Did you know that you can translate our Newsletters and many of our other emails into many additional languages with Google Translate?

In this article, we’ll show you step by step how to do so!

Click "View this email in your browser"

To start, click the “View this email in your browser” link at the top of the email. This will trigger the newsletter to open in your default email browser. You may also copy the URL at this text link and paste it into your browser if you are unable to directly open links from emails due to security restrictions.

Click "Translate"

Next, click the “Translate” option in the top gray bar. This reveals a dropdown list of dozens of language options. Simply find and select your preferred language.

Click on the default translation langague

Depending on your browser settings, you may also need to make additional clarifications for Google Translate to work properly. To do this, start by verifying the source language (underlined in green above) is English, and then click on the language translation setting, boxed in red above.

Select your language

To finish, select your preferred language, and the newsletter’s text will be translated for you automatically!

Please note that these translations are machine-generated, so occasional translation errors may occur. Additionally, Google Translate is also unable to change text embedded in images, so only the email text will be translated.

For additional assistance, please email us at info@gec.org.