Portland, OR – May 23, 2019 – The Global Electronics Council (GEC), the organization that manages the EPEAT ecolabel, recognized the 2019 EPEAT Purchaser Award winners at an evening celebration held on May 22nd in Portland, Oregon. Fifty-nine (59) organizations, including cities, sta tes, US Federal agencies and companies from around the globe were honored for their decision to purchase sustainable IT products.
When combined, the 2019 EPEAT Purchaser Award winners realized cost savings of nearly $90 million across the lifetime of their purchased IT products. Along with these significant cost savings, the 59 EPEAT Purchaser Award winners also recognized considerable environmental benefits, including combined greenhouse gas reductions equivalent to removing 114,611 passenger cars from the road for a year; a reduction of more than 2,150 metric tons of hazardous waste; solid waste savings equivalent to that produced by 4,362 average U.S. households each year; a reduction in energy usage by 889 million kWh; and avoidance of nearly 1,500 metric tons of water pollutant emissions.
“The EPEAT Purchaser Awards ceremony is our opportunity to celebrate the many organizations and procurement representatives who are choosing to use their IT spend to positively impact the environment,” said Nancy Gillis, CEO for the Green Electronics Council. “When you aggregate the cost savings and other sustainability benefits attributable to the 2019 EPEAT Purchaser Award winners alone, it becomes immediately clear that all purchasers should be choosing sustainable IT products. EPEAT makes that choice simple.”
The EPEAT Purchaser Award ceremony, sponsored by the Information Technology Industry Council (ITI) and Underwriter Laboratories (UL), also recognized three “sustainable procurement champions” who have leveraged EPEAT as part of t heir professional activities. These sustainable procurement champions are Ms. Pamela Brody-Heine from Green America, Ms. Holly Elwood from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, and Ms. Sarah O’Brien from the Sustainable Purchasing Leadership Council.
The EPEAT Purchaser Awards ceremony was held at the LEED Platinum Edith Green-Wendell Wyatt Federal Building. It featured a keynote presentation by U.S. General Services Administration’s Chief Sustainability Officer, Mr. Kevin Kampschroer, on the value of sustainable workspaces.
Ganadores de los premios EPEAT Purchaser Award 2019
EPEAT Purchaser Award winners were recognized for their purchases from five different EPEAT product categories: Computers and Displays, Imaging Equipment, Mobile Phones, Servers, and Televisions. Award winners earned one star for each product category in which they purchased EPEAT registered products.
Five-Star Award Winners
- Consolidated Nuclear Security, LLC; Complejo de Seguridad Nacional Y-12
- Laboratorio Nacional Lawrence Berkeley
- Alianza de Apoyo a la Misión; CH2M Hill PRC; WRPS; HPMC; WAI - Hanford
- Laboratorio Nacional de Energías Renovables, Departamento de Energía de EE.UU.
- Laboratorio de Física del Plasma de Princeton
- Instalación del Acelerador Nacional Thomas Jefferson, DOE
- Administración de Servicios Generales de EE.UU.
- Oficina de Gestión del Legado del Departamento de Energía de EE.UU.
Ganadores del Premio Cuatro Estrellas
- Sistema de Salud de Asuntos de Veteranos de Atlanta
- Alianza Energética Battelle
- Oficina de Compras de la Ciudad de Austin
- Ciudad de Keene, NH
- Departamento de Asuntos de Veteranos, Oficina de Información y Tecnología
- Parque Tecnológico del Este de Tennessee
- Experimente Scottsdale
- Hackensack Meridian Health
- Kaiser Permanente
- Universidades Asociadas de Oak Ridge (ORAU)
- Oficina de Formación DEA
- Adquisiciones y relaciones con los proveedores - Shared Services Canada
- Región 5, Agencia de Protección del Medio Ambiente de EE.UU.
- Estado de California
- Estado de Minnesota
- Wipro, Limitada
Ganadores del Premio Tres Estrellas
- Ciudad de Portland, Oregón
- Clínica Cleveland
- División de Servicios Operativos de la Commonwealth de Massachusetts
- Universidad Loyola de Chicago
- Agencia de Defensa de Misiles
- Oficina de Información Científica y Técnica, US DOE
- Planta de difusión gaseosa de Portsmouth, DOE
- Laboratorios Nacionales Sandia
- Reserva Estratégica de Petróleo, Departamento de Energía de EE.UU.
- Departamento de Agricultura de EE.UU.
- Departamento de Seguridad Nacional de EE.UU.
- Laboratorio occidental
Ganadores del Premio Dos Estrellas
- Consejo de Productos Informáticos del Ejército del Aire
- Colegio Bowdoin
- Laboratorio Nacional de Brookhaven
- DEA Chicago Field Division
- DEA Detroit Field Division
- Laboratorio Central Norte de la DEA
- Laboratorio del Noreste de la DEA
- Lockheed Martin
- Departamento de Transportes de Maryland
- NASPO ValuePoint
- Colegios públicos de la ciudad de Richmond
- Gobierno escocés en nombre del sector público escocés
- Estado de Washington
- Grupo del Banco Mundial
Ganadores del Premio Una Estrella
- Ciudad de Seattle, Washington
- Departamento de Asuntos de Veteranos, Operaciones y Servicios de TI (ITOPS), Dispositivos móviles
- Laboratorio del Sureste de Miami
- Oficina de Educación del Condado de Monterey
- Centro Mount Madonna
- Oficina de Servicios Generales del Estado de Nueva York
- Departamento de Escuelas Públicas de Providence
- Universidad de Stanford
- Voya Financial