Can Drones Help to Conserve the Planet’s Natural Resources?
Drones aren’t just for hobbyists, they also help scientists to monitor natural resources.
Séminaire en ligne sur les critères d'atténuation du changement climatique
Click to view our Draft Wearable Electronic Devices Criteria Webinar. In it, we review the draft criteria and provide its rationale.
The Power of Federal Procurement Webinar
Our panel discussion will address the importance of past and current federal sustainable acquisition initiatives in providing energy-related cost savings, meeting environmental goals, reducing GHGs, and increasing federal infrastructure resiliency.
State of Sustainability Research for Climate Change Mitigation
State of Sustainability Research for Climate Change MitigationThe State of Sustainability Research for Climate Change Mitigation identifies priority contributors to climate change across the life cycle of ICT products and illustrates the need to decarbonize the supply...
State of Sustainability Research for Low Carbon Solar
State of Sustainability Research for Low Carbon SolarThe State of Sustainability Research for Low Carbon Solar provides an overview of what Ultra Low-Carbon Solar is and why it's important. Readers will walk away with background knowledge on both solar module...
Campagne mondiale : Engagement des acheteurs de GEC
L'engagement des acheteurs de GEC est une campagne mondiale pluriannuelle qui tire parti du pouvoir des achats pour atténuer le changement climatique et réduire les déchets électroniques. L'engagement demande aux organisations et/ou aux acheteurs individuels de s'engager à acheter des produits durables et circulaires...
Le GEC lance la version révisée du Guide de l'acheteur pour la prise en compte du travail et des droits de l'homme dans les marchés publics de technologie.
Rattrapage rapide : En 2017, GEC a publié le Guide original de l'acheteur pour aborder le travail et les droits de l'homme dans les achats de technologie. Le GEC a été incité à élaborer ce guide par des acheteurs institutionnels, à l'échelle mondiale, qui ont partagé leurs difficultés à garantir que les...
State of Sustainability Research for Health and Wellness Wearable Electronic Devices
State of Sustainability Research for Health and Wellness Wearable Electronic DevicesThe State of Sustainability Research for Health and Wellbeing Wearable Electronic Devices presents science-based evidence and data about the life cycle social and environmental impacts...
Purchaser Guide for Addressing Labor & Human Rights Impacts in Technology Procurements
Purchaser Guide for Addressing Labor & Human Rights Impacts in Technology ProcurementsOver the past year, the Global Electronics Council has hosted rigorous workshops with an esteemed group of stakeholders to revise the Purchaser Guide for Addressing Labor &...
Developing EPEAT Criteria Using GEC’s Dynamic Criteria Development Process
Learn why GEC revamped its criteria development process for the EPEAT ecolabel with the Dynamic Criteria Development Process.