Solar Purchasers and Policy Makers

EPEAT®, the leading global Type 1 ecolabel for electronics, helps government agencies, the private sector, educational institutions, and other organizations find and procure technology products that meet rigorous sustainability criteria.

The EPEAT Photovoltaic Modules and Inverters (PVMI) Criteria, as well as its accompanying Ultra Low Carbon Solar Criteria for solar modules, offer several unique opportunities for manufacturers and their customers.



购买含碳量低的产品对于减少范围 3 的排放至关重要。虽然太阳能发电装置的净发电量为零,但供应链的温室气体排放量却大不相同。购买低碳太阳能电池板对于最大限度地发挥可再生能源投资的效益至关重要。


在线EPEAT 注册表简化了对符合 EPEAT 标准的产品的搜索,同时还能满足用户独特的产品规格要求。


EPEAT 与全美州采购官员协会 (NASPO) 等组织合作,编写旨在帮助新的和现有的可持续采购工作更加有效的材料。这些材料包括培训、合同语言样本等。


EPEAT 标准涉及从材料开采到设计和制造,以及产品处置和回收的各个环节。该标准要求制造商及其供应链维护安全的工作场所和公平的劳动实践,同时减少对环境的有害影响。


通过支持可减少对人类和地球有害影响的产品,展示对可持续发展的承诺。购买 EPEAT 注册产品是企业价值观的具体体现。


While solar modules are known for their carbon-free electricity generation, many are manufactured in ways that limit their overall effectiveness at emissions reduction. Currently, most solar modules can trace 50% to 80% or more of their embodied carbon to these initial steps in their product supply chains. As the energy sector and its clients seek to reduce Scope 3 emissions, they must address the embodied carbon of solar energy.

EPEAT is the only global ecolabel to tackle the often-overlooked issue of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions during solar module production, enabling purchasers, developers and investors to lower their overall carbon footprint for this key part of the renewable energy infrastructure. In addition to the required PVMI criteria, solar modules must also meet or surpass a required low-carbon threshold, which can be found in the EPEAT Ultra Low Carbon Threshold criteria. This second set of criteria do not apply to solar inverters.

This second set of solar module criteria also contains a lower optional carbon threshold manufactures can meet.


kg CO₂e /kWp

Required: Low Carbon Solar

Solar Modules must to meet this threshold in order to become EPEAT registered.


kg CO₂e /kWp

Optional: Ultra-Low Carbon Solar

Solar Modules that meet this threshold qualify for the EPEAT Climate+ ™ product designation.

For a 100 MW project, installing EPEAT registered solar modules is estimated to reduce up to 45,700 metric tons of carbon dioxide equivalent, which translates to removing over 10,000 gasoline powered cars from the road for one year.


EPEAT Climate+™ is a product designation that helps electronics purchasers quickly find products verified to have met all required EPEAT Climate Criteria. Products meeting these criteria are ideal for organizations seeking to track and achieve climate impact goals related to their procurement.

Solar Modules registered with the Climate+ designation have met the ultra low carbon threshold, making them leaders among the low carbon solar modules available on the EPEAT Registry. Modules are given special recognition among other industry-leading electronics including computers & displays, imaging equipment, mobile phones, televisions, and servers.

GEC 气候+承诺

The GEC Climate+ Pledge seeks to harness the purchasing power of organizations committed to tracking and reducing their carbon footprint associated with electronic products. The pledge brings together the leadership and influence of these organizations to reduce the climate impacts of electronic products. By signing this pledge, participants become integral members of a thriving community of climate leaders and advocates.

Understanding that organizations contribute in different ways, this pledge will consist of two primary groups of signatories: EPEAT Climate+ Purchasing Leaders and EPEAT Climate+ Purchasing Advocates. Purchasing Leaders are organizations committed to purchasing Climate+ Products, while Purchasing Advocates are Organizations and Individuals Advocating and Promoting EPEAT Climate+ Products.

采购商如何在采购中利用 EPEAT

享受 EPEAT 惠益的最简单方法是使用在线注册表为即将开展的项目寻找太阳能电池板。此外,采购商还可以在采购政策、招标书、合同和投标书中加入要求甚至优先选择 EPEAT 注册表中出现的产品的语言。

对制造商来说,开发和注册符合 EPEAT 标准的产品需要投入资金和时间。那些直接购买太阳能电池板或投资安装太阳能设备的人,可以告知其制造商或开发商他们对 EPEAT 注册太阳能电池板的偏好。此外,购买者还可以分享任何碳减排目标,以帮助制造商和开发商最详细地了解他们的需求。

有关采购商 EPEAT 的问题,请直接通过info@gec.org联系 GEC。