State of Sustainability Research for Imaging Equipment ConsumablesFinal now available! The State of Sustainability Research for Imaging Equipment Consumables provides an overview of the life cycle sustainability impacts of ink and toner cartridges/containers, and...
单击以查看我们的 "受关注化学品标准草案 "网络研讨会。在该视频中,我们回顾了标准草案并介绍了其基本原理。
State of Sustainability Research for Medical Imaging EquipmentThe State of Sustainability Research for Medical Imaging Equipment presents science-based evidence and data about the life cycle social and environmental impacts of medical imaging equipment, covering the...
申请 EPEAT 采购商奖的三大理由
申请 EPEAT 采购商奖的三大理由是什么? 一年一度的 EPEAT 采购商奖旨在表彰可持续采购 IT 产品的优秀企业。EPEAT 采购商将根据其采购的 EPEAT 注册 IT 产品的每个产品类别获得表彰。以下是您申请 EPEAT 采购商奖的三个充分理由。
State of Sustainability Research for Corporate ESG PerformanceThe State of Sustainability Research for Corporate ESG Performance provides an overview of key labor and workforce concerns and current practices in social auditing in the electronics supply chain. This...
点击阅读 GEC 的《有关化学品的可持续性研究状况》,其中包括影响、替代品和建议标准。
GEC 任命卡尔-史密斯为代理首席执行官
全球电子理事会自豪地宣布卡尔-史密斯(Carl Smith)担任代理首席执行官。在南希-吉利斯(Nancy Gillis)离职后...
Sustainability Impacts Overview: PlasticsThe EPEAT ecolabel empowers purchasers to meet their organizational sustainability goals through their purchasing decisions. Products available through EPEAT include computers, monitors, copiers, mobile phones, televisions, and...
GEC 组织变革
全球电子理事会宣布,因其长期首席执行官南希-吉利斯(Nancy Gillis)离职,将寻找新的首席执行官。全球电子理事会前任理事会主席、Call2Recycle 公司退休首席执行官 Carl Smith 将担任临时首席执行官一职。董事会已经成立了一个...