Sustainability Impacts Overview: Climate ChangeThe EPEAT ecolabel empowers purchasers to meet their organizational sustainability goals through their purchasing decisions. Products available through EPEAT include computers, monitors, copiers, mobile phones,...
全球电子产品委员会首席执行官 Nancy Gillis 全球电子产品委员会为我们十多年来支持公共和私营部门大型采购商开展可持续采购活动而感到自豪。随着全球采购商要求...
Trends in Electronic Product Repairability
If you are interested in our Wearable Electronics for Health, Wellbeing, and a Sustainable Future Webinar, you may also enjoy our State of Sustainability Research for Health and Wellness Wearable Electronic Devices.Draft Wearable Electronic Devices Criteria Webinar...
If you are interested in our Wearable Electronics for Health, Wellbeing, and a Sustainable Future Webinar, you may also enjoy our State of Sustainability Research for Health and Wellness Wearable Electronic Devices.Draft Wearable Electronic Devices Criteria Webinar...
2019 EPEAT 采购商奖获奖者
GEC 于 5 月 22 日在俄勒冈州波特兰市举行的庆祝晚会上表彰了 2019 EPEAT 采购商奖获奖者。
公共和私营部门的机构采购者越来越多地采购 "云 "服务。云基本上是虚拟化的数据中心、基础设施、平台和应用程序,以订购方式作为服务提供。购买者购买云服务是为了...
2018 EPEAT 采购商奖获奖者
5 月 14 日,GEC 在明尼苏达州明尼阿波利斯市举行的颁奖典礼上公布了 2018 年 EPEAT 采购商奖获奖名单。
2017 EPEAT 采购商奖获奖者
采购商和行业代表齐聚信息技术产业委员会(ITI)主办的 2017 EPEAT 采购商奖招待会。
2016 EPEAT 采购商奖获奖者
70多人齐聚信息技术产业委员会(ITI)主办的2016 EPEAT可持续采购奖招待会。与会者包括来自美国国防部、美国环境保护署、美国通用电气公司(General...
2015 EPEAT 采购商奖获奖者