Today GEC releases its draft State of Sustainability Research on Photovoltaic Modules and Inverters for a 60-day public comment period. This Research identifies the most significant life cycle sustainability impacts, best practices to mitigate the impacts, and provides recommendations for criteria revisions that will maintain the relevance and leadership of the EPEAT ecolabel.
GEC welcomes stakeholder review of this State of Sustainability Research and submission of comments, including:
- New or updated data on the life cycle impacts of photovoltaic modules (PV) and inverters in 4 sustainability topics: climate/greenhouse gas emissions, circularity, chemicals, and responsible supply chains. We welcome submissions of data, reports and/or citations to recently published papers and reports.
- Evolution of or new best practices and opportunities to reduce identified impacts through the application of controls, standards, programs and material choices. Where available, please include data or documentation that the best practice has a proven record of impact reduction.
- Improvements in PV life expectancy, trends in performance warranties and PV re-use potential.
- Advancements in end-of-life management, recycling technologies and material recovery for PV modules.
- New international standards and requirements for PV modules and inverters that represent leadership.
- Proposals to strengthen existing NSF/ANSI 457-2019 (r2024) Sustainability Leadership Standard for Photovoltaic Modules and Photovoltaic Inverters, modify Ultra-low Carbon Solar criteria or remove criteria, and recommendations for new performance criteria, along with the rationale for the changes or additions. We encourage submission of proposed text for new criteria.
- Identification of new PV technologies or form factors to consider when updating EPEAT criteria, and
- Affirmative feedback (e.g., if priority sustainability impacts are identified and adequately addressed).
Comments must be submitted using the Public Comment Form and submitting it via e-mail to no later than 11:59 PST on May 5, 2025.
Thanks in advance for your feedback!