GEC proposes to expand its EPEAT product category offerings to include enterprise data storage equipment and solicits feedback from all interested stakeholders on its just-released Product Category Proposal for Enterprise Data Storage, including feedback on the definition for enterprise data storage.  This proposal provides the rationale for adding enterprise data storage to the EPEAT portfolio, including market analysis, summary of sustainability impacts and strategies to reduce impacts, and stakeholder interest. It also provides an overview of product composition and makes recommendations on the scope and approach for developing criteria for this product category.

As a Type 1 ecolabel operating in accordance with the principles and requirements of ISO 14024 Environmental labels and declarations – Type 1 environmental labelling – Principles and procedures, GEC provides stakeholders with the opportunity to provide feedback on the selection of product categories for the EPEAT ecolabel, as described in GEC Selection of Product Categories.

GEC welcomes stakeholder review and comments on this Product Category Proposal for Enterprise Data Storage during its 60-day public consultation. Comments must be submitted using the Public Comment Form via e-mail to no later than 11:59 ET on March 7, 2025. Additional documents may be provided as attachments.

GEC invites stakeholder review and submission of comments on all aspects of the proposal, including:

  • Addition of enterprise data storage to the EPEAT product portfolio and the category scope;
  • Recommendations for product definitions;
  • Additional information (or more recent data) on product composition and sustainability impacts of enterprise data storage products;
  • Recommendations for additional mitigation strategies and best practices leading to demonstrable impact reductions; and
  • Errors and omissions in the analyses and criteria recommendations.

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