
Ecolabels Overview

The Global Electronics Council manages ecolabels to assist purchasers in identifying credible sustainable technology products and services. GEC’s EPEAT ecolabel is the leading Type 1 ecolabel covering products and services from the technology sector. It offers purchasers access to more products from a broader range of manufacturers than any other comparable ecolabel.

Products meeting EPEAT criteria are listed on the EPEAT online registry. Among the hundreds of environmental labels in the marketplace today, Type 1 ecolabels are recognized by the United Nations Environment Programme as the most reliable. Thousands of businesses, schools, hospitals and governments worldwide trust EPEAT to inform and streamline their purchase of sustainable technology products.

GEC believes there are important reasons why Type 1 ecolabels are considered the most reliable for public and private sector institutional purchasers.

Ecolabel Policies

The Global Electronics Council maintains policies, conformity assurance requirements, and internal procedures to support and govern programmatic activities for its ecolabels. These documents ensure GEC’s ecolabels continue to exceed the requirements of ISO 14024, the internationally recognized standard necessary for managing Type 1 ecolabels. The detailed policies for the EPEAT Program are available in the EPEAT Policy Manual.

GEC has been audited by ANAB and received formal recognition for meeting the requirements of ISO 14024, the internationally-recognized standard for Type 1 ecolabels.

Registering Products


Computers & Displays




Imaging Equipment




Mobile Phones


Network Equipment


Photovoltaic Modules & Inverters

Manufacturers and/or brands interested in getting their products registered under one of GEC’s ecolabels first need to sign a contract with GEC, confirming that they will meet relevant policies. They must also choose a Conformity Assurance Body (CAB). CABs are third-party organizations that work with manufacturers to verify that their products meet the EPEAT criteria as claimed. Manufacturers interested in registering sustainable IT products and services through GEC ecolabels may choose to work with any existing CABs that work with their product categories. Download the GEC Participating Manufacturer Agreement for EPEAT.

The Conformity Assurance Bodies providing third party verification services are experienced testing and certification organizations that must meet ISO/IEC 17020 Conformity assessment – Requirements for the operation of various types of bodies performing inspection or ISO/IEC 17065 Conformity assessment – Requirements for bodies certifying products, processes and services. GEC staff manage the CABs, making sure they maintain their required certifications, are trained on ecolabel criteria, and meet both technical and service performance requirements set by GEC.

See the Conformity Assurance Bodies (CABs) currently supporting GEC ecolabels.

To find out more about joining the EPEAT ecolabel, please visit the EPEAT Registry.

Conformity Assurance Bodies

Conformity Assurance Bodies (CABs) are experienced testing and certification organizations that work with manufacturers/brands to verify their product claims against ecolabel criteria. GEC staff manage the CABs, making sure they maintain their required certifications, are trained on ecolabel criteria, and meet both technical and service performance requirements set by GEC.

Manufacturers interested in registering sustainable IT products and services through GEC ecolabels may choose to work with any existing CABs that work with their product categories.

Companies interested in joining the network of GEC approved CABs, please contact us.

See the list of Conformity Assurance Bodies already approved to provide services for GEC’s ecolabels.


The GEC CAB has supported EPEAT-participating manufacturers since 2006 and maintains rigorous accreditation to ISO/IEC 17020. It is particularly helpful to companies just joining EPEAT, as well as to small and medium companies with limited resources.

Click here for more information.

Criteria Development

The Global Electronics Council is committed to developing lifecycle-based criteria through a balanced voluntary consensus process using an innovative process developed by GEC called the Dynamic Criteria Development Process (DCDP). The DCDP contains the five elements of a voluntary consensus process: openness, balance, due process, appeals process and consensus.

A summary of the criteria development process is available in GEC Criteria Development Process.

Advisory Council

GEC’s EPEAT ecolabel works with an Advisory Council to ensure that EPEAT continues to meet the needs of participating brands, purchasers, policy makers, investors and other stakeholders interested in the advancement of more sustainable technology.

The EPEAT Advisory Council is a non-fiduciary body whose role is to provide feedback, advice, input, insights, and perspectives to GEC and EPEAT. Areas of focus include:

  • Broader issues that are key drivers and inhibitors of sustainable procurement and more sustainable technology and electronics, and where those intersect.
  • Technical advancements in technology and electronics, purchaser perspectives and needs, procurement and policy requirements, and standards development activities.

The Advisory Council draws volunteers from various EPEAT stakeholder groups, including representatives of manufacturing, purchasing, environmental advocacy, recycling, government, research, retail, and reseller interests.

Advisory Council members, shown here, serve three-year terms. The Advisory Council meets two to four times per year, usually via teleconference. Non-members may attend meetings by invitation​. Please contact EPEAT.

David Alloggia
Senior Environmental Policy Analyst, Office of the Chief Information Officer
Treasury Board of Canada

Blake Bennett
Corporate Governance and Stewardship
Janus Henderson Investors

Camilla Cederquist
Manager, Atea Sustainability Focus

Jenni Chun
General Manager of Regulatory Affairs

Karen Drozdiak
Head of Global ESG and Sustainability
First Solar, Inc.

Brenden Jiang
Engineering Branch Chief
State of California Department of General Services

Adam Rubinfield
Head, ESG and Procurement Committees Secretariat, Corporate Procurement
World Bank Group

Nerea Ruiz
Policy Director

Betsy Sirk
Director, Digital Accessibility and Strategic Sourcing
National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)

Farid Yaker
Senior Expert
Sustainable public procurement, policies and solutions for net zero carbon, sustainable consumption and production