Purchasers and industry representatives gathered at the 2017 EPEAT Purchaser Awards reception sponsored by the Information Technology Industry Council (ITI). Pictured left to right: U.S Department of Energy Office of Environmental Protection Director Josh Silverman, East Tennessee Technology Park IT Specialist Teresa Krannig, U.S. Department of Energy Office of Information Systems Director Jeanne Beard, EPEAT Director Melanie Bower, Global Electronics CouncilCEO Nancy Gillis, DOE Mission Support Alliance Project Administrator Chris Shannon, and Oak Ridge Associated Universities Buyer Ron McCandless.
Washington DC– March 14, 2017 – The Global Electronics Council (GEC), managers of the EPEAT ecolabel, presented 37 organizations with a 2017 EPEAT Purchaser Award in recognition of their leadership in the procurement of sustainable IT products. When combined, the 2017 EPEAT Purchaser Award winners realized cost savings of more than $33.8 million across the lifetime of their purchased products. Along with significant cost savings, the 37 EPEAT Purchaser Award winners also recognized considerable environmental benefits from their purchasing decisions including combined greenhouse gas reductions equivalent to removing more than 40,000 passenger cars from the road for a year; a reduction of nearly 769 metric tons of hazardous waste; solid waste savings equivalent to that produced by 2,078 average U.S. households each year; a reduction in energy usage by 327.5 million kWh; and avoidance of 513.8 metric tons of water pollutant emissions. Large-scale public and private sector purchasers globally rely on the EPEAT Registry, the leading online rating system of sustainable IT products, to identify and purchase sustainable IT products. “The EPEAT ecolabel was established to provide large-scale purchasers a way to identify credible sustainable IT products,” said Melanie Bower, Director of EPEAT. “The EPEAT Purchaser Awards allows us to recognize those organizations who chose to realize significant cost savings and positive environmental benefits by making informed decisions about the IT products they purchase.” The Global Electronics Council recognized the EPEAT Purchaser Award winners at a ceremony sponsored by the Information Technology Industry Council (ITI), the premier advocacy and policy organization for the world’s leading innovation companies. Award ceremony speakers included Ian Kirk, a purchaser representative from the Canadian Government, and Joel Sigler, Senior Manager of National Environmental Health & Safety at Kaiser Permanente. The Global Electronics Council also honored the State Electronics Challenge with the 2017 Sustainable Purchasing Visionary Award. Since 2008, the State Electronics Challenge has enabled state, tribal, regional, and local governments, including schools and other public entities, to purchase and manage IT products in an environmentally sound manner. The State Electronics Challenge currently has 167 partner organizations that purchase EPEAT-registered IT products.
Award Winners This year’s EPEAT Purchaser Awardees represented local, state, and national governments, healthcare systems, research facilities, school districts, higher education institutions, and private enterprises. In this – the awards program’s third year – the Global Electronics Councilnotably recognized its first India-based EPEAT Purchaser Awardee. Award winners were recognized for their purchases in three IT product categories: PCs and Displays, Imaging Equipment, and Televisions. Award winners earned one star for each product category in which they committed to purchasing EPEAT registered products.
Sustainable Purchasing Visionary Award
Three-Star Award Winners
- El Paso Intelligence Center (EPIC), U.S. DEA
- Loyola University Chicago
- Mission Support Alliance; CH2M Hill PRC; Washington River Protection Solutions
- National Renewable Energy Laboratory, U.S. DOE
- Oak Ridge Associated Universities
- Office of Investigative Technology, U.S. DEA
- Office of Training, U.S. DEA
- Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory, U.S. DOE
- U.S. Department of Homeland Security
- U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs
Two-Star Award Winners
- Battelle Energy Alliance, U.S. DOE
- Brookhaven National Laboratory, U.S. DOE
- California Department of General Services
- Chicago Field Division, U.S. DEA
- East Tennessee Technology Park, U.S. DOE
- Kaiser Permanente
- Legacy Management, U.S. DOE
- Missile Defense Agency
- Office of Scientific and Technical Information, U.S. DOE
- Portsmouth Gaseous Diffusion Plant, U.S. DOE
- Southwest Laboratory, U.S. DEA
- State of Minnesota
- University of Vermont
- University of Wisconsin – Oshkosh
- U.S. General Services Administration
One-Star Award Winners
- Bowdoin College
- City of Durango
- City of Providence, Providence Schools
- Cleveland Clinic
- Maryland Department of Transportation
- New York State
- Northeast Recycling Council, Inc.
- Shared Services Canada
- Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility, DOE
- U.S. EPA Region III
- Western Laboratory, U.S. DEA
- Wipro Limited